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Hey There!

Do you need extra guidance, inspiration, hope, and connection to ground yourself on topics ranging from compassion, love, and forgiveness to consciousness, higher self-worth, wisdom, and all realms of gratitude?


I am on a mission to help you cultivate a life brimming with harmony, joy, and well-being, anchored by the transformative power of meditation.


Here are a few of my favorites to download and take with you anywhere.

Indulge in the serenity of Harmonic Intentions, a 30-minute meditation that was custom-composed with three healing Solfeggio frequencies. 


While designed to enhance your meditation experience, my clients have discovered its grounding effects during work, creating a harmonious backdrop. As one client shared, "It was nice to have playing while I worked. Felt like it calmed my mind."


Featured Solfeggio Frequencies:


🎶 528 Hz: Strengthens intentions and manifestations and has a positive effect at the cellular level, promoting cellular health and vitality. It resonates with the body's natural processes, supporting overall well-being and contributing to DNA repair and healing.


🎶 210.42 Hz (Moon Frequency): This frequency promotes emotional balance and stability, aligning with the planetary frequency of the full moon.


🎶 396 Hz: Grounding and healing of your root chakra. This frequency works on the emotional level, helping you let go of negative emotions and thoughts, particularly those related to fear and guilt, opening you up to receive emotional healing.


Unlock the transformative potential of this composition and elevate your meditation experience. Press play, and let the calming frequencies guide you on a journey of serenity and self-discovery. It's most effective when experienced through headphones.


I sincerely hope it brings tranquility and positive vibes to your daily life.

Immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of Shamanic Serenity. Let the soothing sounds of this custom-composed track with shamanic flutes and three powerful Solfeggio frequencies guide you on a journey of relaxation and healing.


Featured Solfeggio Frequencies:


🎶 417 Hz: Release negative emotions, past traumas, and emotional blockages as this frequency facilitates change and inner transformation. 417 works on the vibrational level to bring about positive transformations in various aspects of your life, including personal growth, relationships, and overcoming challenges.


🎶 852 Hz: Open yourself to a deeper understanding of your purpose and path in life. This frequency promotes spiritual awakening and intuition and elevates your energy to new heights.


🎶 210.42 Hz (Moon Frequency): Find emotional balance and stability as you align with the planetary frequency of the full moon. Let the calming vibrations of this frequency soothe your soul and bring harmony to your inner world.


Experience the profound healing benefits of these frequencies as they wash over you, restoring balance and promoting well-being on all levels. Allow yourself to relax, unwind, and reconnect with your inner essence as you bask in the serenity of Shamanic Serenity. It's most effective when experienced through headphones.

Embark on a transformative voyage of self-reflection and inner growth with Soulful Serenity. This curated playlist invites you to explore the depths of your being, delving into topics encompassing compassion, love, forgiveness, consciousness, higher-self worth, wisdom, and the myriad realms of gratitude.


Immerse yourself in this sweet sanctuary, where each track serves as a gentle guide on your path toward profound self-discovery and spiritual elevation.


Allow the creative sounds and intentions to ignite a sense of profound gratitude, elevate your consciousness, and inspire personal growth as you are guided on a transformative journey toward a deeper understanding of yourself.

Rosanne Schalk, AZ

“I DID IT!! My first meditation. I Am Perfection. It did good for me! My ADD barely kicked in."

Danielle Worthington, AZ

"I just finished your Inner Confidence Guided Meditation  and it was absolutely wonderful! It was gentle, it was direct, it was soft, and it was loving. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!"

Kristina Webb, AZ

"Janine's meditation practice helps me remain calm, provides clarity, and I am able to process things more clearly throughout my day. Every time I follow her meditation it feels restorative and incredibly worthwhile!"
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